A Riverfront Center
for the Hill Country 

We’re making plans for a unique Guadalupe riverfront park and gathering place on the banks of Nimitz Lake in Kerrville, Texas.

A recreational and educational destination for ALL to enjoy.

Take a moment and imagine a sunset or sunrise on the Guadalupe River and Nimitz Lake — it's breathtaking.

Here in Kerrville, many of us recognize the immense beauty, but now we have the opportunity to preserve, protect and enhance the experience with the Guadalupe River Center. 

The vision defines this project as a place to learn about the river's ecosystem, natural history and recreational destination. It's a vision we feel committed to, and we've already begun the foundational work by forming a nonprofit toward a capital campaign to make this dream a reality. 


Let's Go To The Lake! 

Join us April 6th for a great FREE family fun afternoon! 

Sunday, April 6 | 2–5 PM
On the banks of our Nimitz Lake Land! 
1090 Kerrview Drive - (Behind The Landing Apartments)

We have a lot to celebrate after an incredible year! Thanks to our community’s support, WE GOT THE LAKE LAND! Now, it’s time to enjoy it together.

Join us for an afternoon of FREE fun, food, and entertainment at our first-ever community celebration as we gather to celebrate our newly acquired lakefront land.

Here’s what we have planned for our big splash!
•  Free Hotdogs cooked by local favorites, BBQUE TEXAS
•  Food Trucks
•  Large Open-Air Bounce House
• Outdoor Games
• Face Painting & Balloon Twisting
•  Music & Performances
•  Pup Tent and Water Stations
... & so much more!

Bring your picnic blankets or chairs, grab your family and friends, and let’s celebrate together by the lake!

UGRC Facilities Campaign

We are building more than just structures—we are creating a lasting legacy and a new Texas landmark.

Your support for the construction of the Upper Guadalupe River Center’s facilities establishes a vibrant hub for community engagement, ensuring a meaningful impact for generations to come.

The Guadalupe River Center’s Facilities Campaign includes two thoughtfully designed buildings:
• Administrative & Watercraft Facility – Housing administrative space, locker rooms, and secure watercraft storage.
• Community & Education Center – Featuring a multipurpose classroom and gathering space for programs, workshops, and events.

A fully accessible boat launch will create new opportunities for water recreation, benefiting individuals with disabilities, seniors, and veterans. With ongoing events, educational programs, watercraft rentals, and changing facilities, the River Center will provide everything needed to explore and enjoy Nimitz Lake—making it a welcoming destination for all.

The Facilities Campaign includes two parallel initiatives:

First, we're establishing donor recognition for gifts from $2,500 to $50,000 and second, securing donors to name a part, or all, of the facility.

Donor tiers for the Facilities Campaign include:

• $300,000+ Naming Rights – Facility Level
• $50,000+ Legacy Lake Supporter – Fleet Level
• $25,000+ Trailblazer – Campus Signage Level
• $15,000+ Naturalist – Bench Level
• $10,000+ Steward – Paddle Level
• $5,000+ Patron – Large Donor Tribute Wall Tile
• $2,500+ Friend – Donor Tribute Wall Tile

The Facilities Campaign is on-going and offers diverse naming opportunities for donors. We need $1.5 million to complete construction—your support will make it happen and establish a new Texas landmark right here in Kerrville.

We are arranging meetings and site visits with prospective naming donors and other interested parties. Please contact us at info@guadaluperivercenter.org if you would like to learn more about this transformative project!

Lake Land Campaign

We're pleased to announce the successful completion of our land campaign! Our three-phase approach to expedite the development of the UCRG Campus is fully underway.

All donations to the Upper Guadalupe River Center Foundation are tax deductible.

Learn More...

A message from former Kerrville Mayor Judy Eychner 

Donate Today

As our team and the community are working to bring this dream into reality, your financial support is vital and deeply appreciated. Click below to set up a one-time or convenient recurring donation.

All donations to the Upper Guadalupe River Center Foundation are tax deductible.

A Community River Center For All To Enjoy...

This facility is being thoughfully designed for many kinds of visitors and community needs. For locals and visitors alike, the Guadauple River Center will be a place for learning, socializing, community building, and much more. 

Community & Well-Being Programs

• Free Family Fun Days
• Disabled Veteran Programs
• Sailing and Explorer Camps for Children
• K-12 School Field Trips
• Physical Rehab Programs
• Child Disability Programs
• SUP Yoga & Adult Fitness Classes

Educational, Social, and Business Events

• Weddings and Special Events 
• Expos, Lectures, Off-Site Workshops
• Board Meetings, Interview Spaces
• Community Club Meetings
• Continuing Education Classes
• Team Building Events
• Visiting Clubs and Organizations

Results, Transparency, and Momentum

Our community and UGRC leadership are partnering and getting results. And we're just getting started with the potential of this unique educational and recreational destination on our beloved Guadalupe River. Here's a little of what has happened recently...

Giving Tuesday 

UGRC participated in Giving Tuesday in 2024, joining thousands of non-profits across the country. After securing a generous donor to match all donations up to $5,000, we set out to
raise an additional $5,000 in a single day the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.

We are pleased to announce we soared past our goal, raising $10,305 from 86 donors. Our matching donor generously increased their contribution to bring us to a total of $16,000 for the project.

Funds from the Giving Tuesday Campaign are earmarked for clear-bottom, light-up kayaks for use by the Guadalupe River Center.

Our goal is to get folks out on the lake as soon as possible, while design, engineering and construction are underway.

By the Numbers...



6/4/24 - Lake Land Campaign Launched! 

The Upper Guadalupe River Center (UGRC) Board recently adopted a three-phase  approach to expedite the development of the UGRC Campus. This initiative means our community will  be able to utilize the campus grounds and waterfront even sooner than before! READ MORE HERE >> 


11/14/23 - City of Kerrville Approves Bond Issue 

The City of Kerrville has just approved a $20 million Quality of Life Bond Issue that includes $2.2 million for the development of Granger MacDonald Park.

This quality of life investment will pay for the development in front of our river center facility.  Project highlights include a 14-foot wide, 200-foot long riverfront boardwalk, an 40-foot wide "feet and pet-friendly" river access ramp, handicap-accessible floating piers, and an eco-friendly and UGRA-approved permeable parking lot. 

The City's participation ensures that we build essential access to Nimitz Lake for our community.

"We are thrilled that the City of Kerrville sees our Community River Center project not only as a new "quality of place" but also as a significant economic impact for our community," said Layng Guerriero, Vice-Chairman of the Guadalupe River Center Foundation. 

Board of Directors

John Anderson
Gregg Appel
Allison Bueche
Erin Burrows
Darby Campbell

Julie Davis
Layng Guerriero

Celeste Hamman 
Kristin Hedger
Rachel Johnston
Peter Lewis

Justin MacDonald
Dr. Charlie McCormick

Charlie McIllvain
Dr. Brent Ringo
Steve Schulte

Growing Support...

Community leaders past and present, consultants for decades, and the Kerrville 2050 Plan have all identified greater use of the Guadaulpe River asset as a community prioirty. The time is now!  

"The Guadalupe River Center will be the front door access to the Kerrville River Life Experience we have been longing for. The River Center will allow community access to Nimitz Lake to engage in River Activities, Education and Relaxation."

Todd Bock, Former Mayor of Kerrville 

"Kerrville is a city which has recognized and prioritized the importance of quality of place in economic development. We're heavily investing in and promoting our natural assets such as the river center project for business development and recruitment of workforce." 

Gilbert Salinas, Executive Director
Kerr Economic Development Corp. (KEDC)

“This new development will stimulate new events and activities, which will potentially attract thousands of visitors annually to Kerrville. In addition to fresh, new dollars that these visitors will spend while in Kerrville and Kerr Country, those expenditures will generate new source of tax revenue that will benefit every resident of the city and county.”

Charlie McIlvain, Kerrville CVB President (Ret.), Past President, Kerrville Rotary Club
KEDC Board Member

“The Guadalupe River Center project is exciting as a potential location for the start venue of the Kerrville Triathlon Festival.  The amenities that it could offer would fit closely fit the long term needs of the event.  In addition, the center would open up possibilities for recreation and tourism on the lake, well beyond what is currently available."

Dan Carrol, Owner High Five Events

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